My BlogLog

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Bienvenidos, Welcome, Bienvenue, Bem-vindos, Willkomen

First of all, I want to welcome people from all over the world that are here visiting Raison D’Être. 

Let’s start explaining what does this french term truly means: According to Wikipedia (a truly enlightening source of information which teachers tend to hate without truly specifying the reasons behind their fears, some of them valid concerns about the veracity of the wiki entries, a topic which I will talk about on the near future), Raison d'être is a French phrase meaning "reason for existence." 

Some will say it sounds much more of a metaphysical topic rather than a plausible way of living, I will give you that. But what Raison D’Être is truly about, comes from my incessant interest on such a diverse array of topics. This has been my life story learning about plenty of different topics,(you will end up believing me when I say you will learn more here than what Stumble Upon can teach you). I really hope that people start interacting through the posts so we can have further discussion and analysis.

The basic notion of how the past through cyclical patterns affects the future, is what really makes this way of thinking useful. It’s not about the literal benefits of knowing about medieval warfare or Schrodinger’s cat, it is about being constantly searching for knowledge that can be applied in life sooner than you think. Entrepreneurs have always used this to their advantage, those unapparent connections that can be made to power innovative business ideas have mostly come from this never ending search of knowledge, note that I’m not saying you have to know everything about anything, but being aware of how the world is interlaced.

I encourage everyone to comment in every single post I write, so a true writer-reader relationship can be developed in Raison D'Être. It is not a secret that the majority of blogs are short lived and come as a result of an impulsive decision, but I want to assure you that this won’t be the case. I am fully committed to this blog and its future readers, and I believe that a trust is basic for such interactions.
Know it all.

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